Executive Board

Duties of AEHT National Representatives
Attending meetings (usually twice per year) of the AEHT Executive Board. Generally the first meeting is held in February or March in the same location as that year’s Annual Conference, and the second meeting takes place during the Annual Conference itself. The AEHT pays for board and lodging at the February meeting,
though not at the Annual Conference. Executive Board members may not normally claim travelling expenses.Checking, amending and updating, in collaboration with the AEHT Head Office, their country’s entry on members and information on the national Hospitality and Tourism Education system published in the AEHT Yearbook and/or on the AEHT Internet site in collaboration with the Secretariat; we need to know promptly about modifications in the national vocational training system, changes of school directors, changes of AEHT contact persons, new telephone numbers, and especially new e-mail and web site addresses
Acting as a national contact point for AEHT matters, encouraging the national membership to participate in the AEHT’s activities and to organise activities which
can be opened to the whole AEHT membership
Ensuring communication with the national membership, particularly in cases where contact is difficult; we would expect the national representative to have a constantly updated contact list of national member schools.
Responding promptly to communications from the AEHT Head Office.
Establishing and maintaining contacts with national bodies representing the hotel, catering and tourism professions, and reporting on these contacts to the Executive Board meetings.
Promoting the AEHT in the country, which they represent. Assisting the AEHT in recruiting new members, including professional members and sponsors willing to support the association’s activities.
Please find enclosed the description of the tasks of the National Representatives and the Presidium members: