Conditions of Membership

  • Membership is open to those who reside in, or have a head office in, one of the member countries of the Council of Europe.

  • Candidates should complete the AEHT Membership Application form, (that can be obtained from the Head Office or from a member of the Managing Committee or Executive Board or be downlaoded below).

  • The completed form should be sent to the Secretary General at the AEHT Head Office.

  • The Secretary General will send the application to the Executive Board’s member representing the candidate’s country for his or her opinion.

  • The application, together with the representative’s opinion, is submitted to the Executive Board and to the General Assembly, and is accepted or rejected by them.

  • If the application is accepted, the Secretary informs the applicant of the decision, sends him or her copies of the statutes, the House Rules, the membership list, any available documentation, and information about the activities currently being proposed.

  • If the application is not accepted, the unsuccessful candidate is informed of the decision by the Secretary General.

Entrance Fee and annual subscription

The Treasurer sends each new member an invoice which includes:

  • The sum payable as an entrance fee – is 165 Euros for « active and observer members » and for “professional members.

  • Individual and honorary members are not required to pay an entrance fee (these amounts were decided upon at the General Assembly in November 2022 in Senigallia). The entrance fee is payable in the first year only.

  • The sum is payable as an annual subscription – 315 Euros for « active and observer members » and – 630 Euros for « professional members ». The annual subscription for individual members has been fixed at 40 Euros, honorary members being free of charge (these amounts were decided upon at the General Assembly in Senigallia in November 2022).

  • Any applicant accepted after the General Assembly will receive an invoice dated the following year. However, if the new member participates in any activities organized by or with the AEHT between the date of the General Assembly and December 31st, he or she will have to pay the invoice before participating. In this case, the new member will pay no subscription the following year.

  • Upon receiving payment of the entrance fee and annual subscription, the AEHT Head Office will send to the new member the Plexiglas plate, a big AEHT flag and stickers etc… bearing the AEHT logo and stating that the school is a ‘Member of the Association of European Hotel and Tourism Schools’ in English and French.

  • The Swift Code is not correct, need to get changed to SWIFT code: BILLLULL

Means of payment

by bank transfer into the AEHT account:

Banque Internationale a Luxembourg, 69 route d’Esch, L-2953 Luxembourg
IBAN: LU620024150833388300


or exceptionally, if not possible by bank transfer, by cheque made out in Euros payable to AEHT; the cheque must be payable and able to be cleared in the country where the Head Office is.

For all transfers from abroad, the payer will arrange to pay all bank charges and commissions. It is his or her responsibility to give clear instructions about this to his or her bank.

Application Form to Become a Member

Type of organization *


AEHT contact
(if other than the Director):

Contact e-mail for AEHT mailings:

To be completed only by school applicants

Status of the School:

TERMS AND CONDITIONS to qualify for AEHT membership

You are about to sign your organization's application for membership of the European Association of Hotels and Tourism Schools.
By doing so, you agree to respect not only the The AEHT’s statutes  and AEHT House Rules , but also the Privacy statement of AEHT Asbl of our association and to ensure that the person(s) who register students, teachers or any other persons in our database or on our registration platform for AEHT events and activities, received the consent of the respective person (or their legal guardians) beforehand.

The AEHT cannot be held responsible for unauthorized registrations made via your school’s AEHT account. It is your responsibility to make sure that your school's username and password are accessible only to those authorized to perform these tasks.
Moreover, it is your responsibility to inform all participants of your organization that our events/activities are public and that any picture taken during these events/activities might be published (on social media, websites, press, brochures...) without any specific authorization of their part. If a person does not wish to be photographed, the AEHT secretariat has to be informed one month in advance to allow timely measures to be taken.

Once you have signed your application, your school is bound to these terms and conditions as long as it stays a member of our association.